Why Join Us?

Join us at Turner Syndrome Association of New Zealand Incorporated

Membership is an annual subscription (based on a financial year 1 January to 31 December)

The cost for a financial membership is $5.00 for each adult and no cost for a child.

Our organisation and network spans across New Zealand. We provide support, education and advocacy to those with Turner Syndrome and their families. Register to become a member or follow our social media and see what we are up to.

In order to join one of our events, you must be a member. It is only $5.00! 

Please complete the application form for every individual (adult and child).

The more people that join us the stronger our network. We really appreciate your support.

If there is a financial reason why you are not in a position to join us. Reach out to us today as we will be in a position to support you.


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